
interface CryptoKey {
    algorithm: KeyAlgorithm;
    extractable: boolean;
    type: Crypto.webcrypto.KeyType;
    usages: KeyUsage[];


algorithm: KeyAlgorithm

An object detailing the algorithm for which the key can be used along with additional algorithm-specific parameters.


extractable: boolean

When true, the CryptoKey can be extracted using either subtleCrypto.exportKey() or subtleCrypto.wrapKey().


A string identifying whether the key is a symmetric ('secret') or asymmetric ('private' or 'public') key.


usages: KeyUsage[]

An array of strings identifying the operations for which the key may be used.

The possible usages are:

  • 'encrypt' - The key may be used to encrypt data.
  • 'decrypt' - The key may be used to decrypt data.
  • 'sign' - The key may be used to generate digital signatures.
  • 'verify' - The key may be used to verify digital signatures.
  • 'deriveKey' - The key may be used to derive a new key.
  • 'deriveBits' - The key may be used to derive bits.
  • 'wrapKey' - The key may be used to wrap another key.
  • 'unwrapKey' - The key may be used to unwrap another key.

Valid key usages depend on the key algorithm (identified by cryptokey.algorithm.name).
