Interface AsymmetricKeyDetails

interface AsymmetricKeyDetails {
    divisorLength?: number;
    hashAlgorithm?: string;
    mgf1HashAlgorithm?: string;
    modulusLength?: number;
    namedCurve?: string;
    publicExponent?: bigint;
    saltLength?: number;


divisorLength?: number

Size of q in bits (DSA).

hashAlgorithm?: string

Name of the message digest (RSA-PSS).

mgf1HashAlgorithm?: string

Name of the message digest used by MGF1 (RSA-PSS).

modulusLength?: number

Key size in bits (RSA, DSA).

namedCurve?: string

Name of the curve (EC).

publicExponent?: bigint

Public exponent (RSA).

saltLength?: number

Minimal salt length in bytes (RSA-PSS).